Operation & Support Solutions


China has many labelling and packaging requirements which are important for foreign businesses to understand to ensure that there is no risk of entry barriers. Our team can help you navigate this tricky terrain and make sure your product packaging and labelling are done by the book.

Standards and regulations in China

In China, there are many standards and regulations in place, of which if not met may cause delay or worse, refusal of entry at Chinese customs. Documentation at customs is very important to get right when it comes to packaging and labelling.

Some of the packaging requirements include conformity with medical and safety regulations, as well as standards for recycling and degradation. All products must also have their labels or notes in Chinese, including metric system and measuring units. Food and beverage products have a more specific set of requirements that must be followed in China.

As meeting these standards and regulations is critical in ensuring that your products do not get rejected, it is important that there is smooth communication with your side and the custom’s. Aside from the customs requirements, there should be no miscommunication or misunderstanding of the Chinese codes and standards in packaging and labelling that you must meet according to the type of product you are importing. To avoid mishaps or potential losses, it is important to work with an agency or a team who is experienced in this field. Standards and regulations can also change according to the governments’ decision and having a representative that can inform you of these changes can save you from potential obstacles.

Localised packaging

Meeting China’s packaging and labelling standards and regulations is just the basic requirement to enter China. Successfully penetrating the Chinese market would require more than that. Package design is crucial in attracting your target consumers, and to stand out among other products from your competitors.

In order for you to do so, understanding your target consumers’ attitude and preferences is important. A market research is key to identify these key points, and to ensure that you are effectively localising your products to your target consumers. Insights obtained from research on targeted consumers’ likes and dislikes toward packaging in China may include visual elements, text, and handling convenience. The result of an appealing design and an attractive message in your product packaging will help differentiate your brand from your competitors.

How we can help

Barriers involving local codes, regulations and standards can be easily avoided with a trusted team who is experienced in working in this field and with the customs. We have the negotiation skills and experience to ensure that your products meet all the packaging and labelling requirements before going through inspection.

Our comprehensive market research service can also help your business figure out the best way to localise your packaging to fit the preferences of your target consumer. The market research conducted will inform how your product package design should be implemented, and we can seamlessly bring this forward to our trusted design partners to realise the best design for your products. Our goal is not only to help make sure your product packaging meets the local requirements, but also work towards successfully and effectively penetrating the consumer market.

Further more, as most brands launched in China start with sales online, the repackage for individual delivery to customer should be done according to the sales model and product design. WKI can help on that matter and ensure the seamless transportation for last-mile-delivery with minimized damage loss. Taking full advantage of the mature and comprehensive delivery system in China, WKI will make sure all purchasing order processed, transported and delivered efficiently at sensible cost with great value.

Shanghai Wukong Integration (WKI) Center


+86 574 27721008