[Part 2]Distributor in China --Game of Power in Wholesale and Retail in China

[Business] Distributor in China Part 2
--------Game of Power in Wholesale and Retail in China
When talking about selling to China, the first big word come in the conversation is DISTRIBUTOR. The underlying logic is simple. I proudly have a good brand and good product, China has a huge market with great potential, all I need to do is to find a distributor to sell my products. I give him a good cut, say more than 50% of the gross margin, very generously, and he make the sell, deal with the sub-wholesalers, hire salesman in market, sell my product whichever way he sees fit, and take care of the loss.
Perfect story, only question left is how to find such perfect distributor. This is really a game of power and political lobbying by core.

PART 2 When the Power Shift to Shelve Owners

What if the sales is steady and I am already fully stocked and remember, the packaged food has a shelf life. The supermarket would easily spot my weakness and reluctant to pay me in time. Every six month, every three month, by the end of the year, all possible. Even worse, those big supermarkets usually has a slow financial department, everything would be one to three months delayed.
Therefore, it is likely that I get paid 6 -12 months later than I first put money down to purchase from the brand factory. With that profit and time delay, I still have to cover all the fixed costs of personnel, shelf rent, warehouse, enduring the really big investment and really late repayment. To be honest, if I am that loaded and not care for the time value of the money, as long as my Profit and Loss account shows positive, actual cash flow is not intimidated by such delay of payment, it is a very good business that I fight hard to get.
于是乎,相对于我当初支付货款从品牌方进货的时候,等我收到下家的货款,可能已经过去了6-12个月。 核算一下利润和结款时间的拖延,我依然需要支付人工工资,仓库开支,货架堆头租金,同时忍受巨大的开支和巨慢的回款。 说实话,如果我资金真的很充裕,也不在乎资金的时间价值,只要我的损益表显示我是有钱赚的,那么真实的现金流只要不因为结款慢而断档,这还是个很棒的生意,毕竟当初也是挤破头才抢到手的。
That is a good brand as there are competitors fighting for the right to sell. What if the brand is not well known? Do I pay shelf rent for unsure demanding among end customers? Do I purchase in big bulk and risk the long time of sales and late payment from retailers? The fact is that every market place has its precise algorithm to calculate their shelves worth against the inventory turnover online and offline. The less well known the brand is, the longer the turnover time, the higher the total rent, straightforward math. Even a powerful distributor with well known brands have to deal with such unpleasant cash flow most of the time, it would only be more painful with unknown brand. To be frank, successful distributors are all experts in this game, can be easily convinced.
That is a typical business model of a typical distributor in China. Big or small, well loaded or with limited budget, all negotiating actively defining who has the bargaining power, and who should be lobbying whom.
If you can follow the story above, surely you can understand why it is so difficult for a foreign brand to FIND a distributor. Even with budget and distribution channels, and actively sourcing foreign brands, they will be chasing big names with international influence already. To be specific, those brands and products that end customers are willing to purchase through “Daigou”. Because the demand is already there but the supply is rare, expensive or time consuming. As the business fact is much higher margin of imported goods than local products, the profit would highly motivate the distributor to bear with the high up front cost, the long time of waiting, the investment in marketing, as long as the demand is certain, is not something that the distributors have to figure out, the educate the end consumers.

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